domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Talk about locations

Talk about locations

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4 comentarios:

  1. Mr. RAMIREZ.. hey ramon how can I get to the corean restaurant....
    M.s MILLER.. yeah, of course..
    Mr.RAMIREZ. where is it.
    M.s MILLER It is on the palm street between bank and the public library..
    you can get there by car, bus or by foot but I suggest you
    try to get a car or taxy cause It is far away from the park.
    Mr. Ramirez.. oh thank you so much Ms, MILLER.

    M.s MILLER.. It´s ok

  2. 1-Hi!! Can you help me please?
    2- Sure!!
    1- where is the Supermarke?
    2- Is on fifth Avenue. Next to the bank.
    1- ok. Thank you.
    2- You welcome.

  3. Hello mr burroughs you can say me where are the hospiral please?
    Of curse !!
    Is on seventh avenue. Next to the drugstore.
    Thank you so much
    It`s ok.

  4. Hi, can I ask you a question?
    Yes, what is your question?
    Where is the popular bank ?
    On the next avenue
    Thank you sir
